Over the years, on one free day, I brought out objects that are kept for a long time in large cardboard boxes in my attic. Papers, sketchbook, photo albums, comic books, documents... I spent hours reviewing old drawings in my sketchbook.
I feel good to see them again.
And you know what !?
These things may seem small, but they retain beautiful stories, keep many memories, my trips through new lands, encounters, my happy days.
I'm sure you and I will have the same thought. They deserve recognition, attention, and love.
Since we were students at the University of Fine Arts, what we enjoyed most were field trips to experience, observe, research and then directly sketch the landscape, portraits and daily activities of the local people in the places we visited. The trips would take place every year, helping us gain new perspectives and understand more about the regional culture and then convey those things into our paintings, artworks, designs and work...
Southern Vietnam.
When I was sitting in the small attic
there are a few birds moving in green foliage
when I'm drawing
moving of light
moving of myself
when I'm silent
my grandmother was making a teapot under the kitchen
the smoke was flying
While I was in this place
words in memory
have a sincere thank of me
Old capital of Vietnam - From Hue

Someone asked me:
“What do you love the most? More than anything else?”
I said without hesitation:
Draw. I love
to draw!
I had never known that this answer would change
my life forever.
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. Most of us want to hide the "bad" drawings, but, when we look back at them all we can truly see our progress.”
— Aristotle